Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Springtime, Time for a fresh start!

So after our wonderful trip to Justin's sisters in April, we've tried to turn a new leaf.  Justin and I have been wanting to change our diet to be more healthy for awhile, but it is a hard change to make.  So after trying all of Amy's healthy cooking and realizing it can be tasty too- we've started a new fresh change to our meals.  I haven't documented all of them, but here's a few pictures of some of our favorites.  Which leads me to my new discovery.  Quinoa!  It is a delicious grain-like food that has more protein.  It is so yummy!  Thanks to Justin's good friend Kellie, we've been trying tons of new quinoa recipes.  We have a long way to go, but it's good to start somewhere!

We got bored one night and decided to do each other's hair.  I was actually impressed with Justin's hair skills :)

And I finally got  a helmet and have been riding my bike!

We had a great mother's day, with a phone call from Derek in Ghana, in the morning.  We spend the first half of the day with the Gann's.  Mom gave a great lesson in Relief Society about the scriptures.  It was so awesome, she's a natural teacher.  Then on to the Hansen's for a great dinner and company.  We are both so blessed to have awesome families and especially mothers.  (I forgot to bring a camera and get a picture of Justin and his Mom)

And last but not least we got a new lawn mower yesterday!  We've been using my brother's old one ever since we moved in 2.5 years ago.  It has worked so great, (thanks Reed)  but has been getting harder and harder to start, and the blade was needing to be sharpened a lot too.  We decided to go look, and bought one yesterday!  The bummer is that I had just mowed that morning, so I still haven't used it yet.  For anyone confused, I (Lauren) am the lawn mower in our family.  By request.  I don't like to edge or trim, or sweep up the grass, so Justin graciously lets me mow, (because I love it) and he does that crappy stuff.  True Love right !  :)


Tia said...

I hate to weedeat and trim, I've called Daniel in a fit telling him if I try to do it anymore, I'll throw it across the yard. We've been trying to eat healthier to, trying to follow the Word of Wisdom the right way. It's actually been kind of fun to stretch our creativity in the kitchen.

Tina said...

Awe, old snapper has turned a leaf! Glad you were able to get some use out of it for the last couple years, but also glad you can have a brand new lawn mower beauty!
I haven't cooked with quinoa, but think I should start. I didn't know it had a higher protein source, just what we need! You should send some of those recipes my way!
And, I am SO impressed with your blogginess (I just made a new word, look at that!). I'm trying to get all caught up with reading yours and then I'll try to work on updating mine!