Monday, May 21, 2012

Garden 2012

We planted our second vegetable garden today!  Last year we learned a lot about gardening, and I hope each year we can get better and better at it.  This year we are planting some of the same things, and a few new ones!  

Justin's parents use this black plastic to help keep the water from evaporating.  We thought we'd give it a try this year for our bell peppers and tomatoes.  This year we planted yellow and red peppers, and some regular and cherry tomatoes.

 Then we also planted a two zucchini plants one green and one yellow, and some carrots.

 We also planted in some planter boxes some herbs.  Rosemary, cilantro and chives.

This year our strawberries are thriving already!  Except for when I freaked out at a bird who was eating them, it's been pretty fantastic.  Fresh Strawberries everyday for at least a week now so far.  Some of them are tiny, but all taste yummy!

We are so glad to have our own yard that we can plant a garden in.  And yes the new lawn mower will take some getting used to, but so far it's been fabulous!


Tia said...

Looking good! Hopefully the plastic will keep some of the seeds weeds down too. Mmmmm, my strawberries are just starting to come on, I'm so excited.

Tina said...

I am envious of your home, lawn and garden, I' not going to lie! What great experience you are getting having a garden of your own! I hope to do that sometime in my life!!! But, it will have to be another year :)