Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy St Patty's Day 2012

Well this St Patrick's Day was a windy one!  We donned our Green shirts, and decided to go fly Justin's trick kite!   Justin's been telling me about this kite since we got married.  He bought it when he was in sixth grade, he loves to fly it, it is so cool, etc...  But we have never flown it in our almost 6 years of marriage!  So this was quite a feat!  We went over to the field behind our church. As you can see not much green around here quite yet!  Justin as usual was amazing at handling the kite.  Although he spent most of his time retrieving it from the ground when I'd crashed it YET again.  I think sometimes he wonders how I can be so incompetent :)  Luckily kite flying skills were not a prerequisite to marrying him.   And even more luckily he is a great teacher, and by the end I was getting the hang of it!  What a fun day!

 Later that night we went with Mom and Dad to El Matador- My very favorite Mexican restaurant!  We threw pennies into the fountain of course!

Afterwards since we were in Ogden, we decided to go see Justin's name on the Utah Purple Heart Recipient's Memorial.  It was pretty neat!  I am so proud of you Justin!  He is now offically done with his reserve duty, making him out of the Marines.  I'm pretty excited.  What a journey it's been :)  Wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything.

And isn't his hair getting long!! 


Tia said...

Daniel has a trick kite too, but it's been years since we've had enough wind to fly it. I don't know if I can ever go back to a real kite since using one. So much fun!

Jodi said...

I was just thinking his hair is getting long. I remember getting my kite in 6th grade too, I'm sure he's told you all about Mr. Talbot and the kite craziness. I don't remember what mine was like, or even where it is, but I I know I really liked it!

Tina said...

I didn't know his name was on a memorial! Very well deserved. Hooray to be done with that chapter of your lives!