Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fun with the Fam!

Well our first order of business in Jacksonville was spending time with our nieces and nephews that we don't get to see very often!  Our first day we went to St. Augustine the oldest town in the USA- founded in Pre pilgrim days by the Spanish.  We got to visit the Castillo De San Marcos which was the military fort that guarded the harbor there.

Thanks to everyone for going with us, even though you've probably been a lot since you've lived there in Florida! We learned a lot and had fun.

The walls were made of Coquina which is a unique shell/cement mix.

Then on to the Pirate museum which was totally awesome! Too bad we couldn't take pictures inside it. We learned so much about real pirates, and the life they led. I'm glad I'm not one!

The next day's agenda held exploring the "jungle" behind the house. No armadillos though. We had our fingers crossed!

But we did find some wildlife. Can you see him?

A close up.

Next on the agenda, The Beach! The beach on the east coast is so different than the west coast. I know- different oceans :) The water was so warm! Justin had fun playing frisbee and building a sand castle replica of the Castillo de San Marco with our cute nephew. And I built a sand face with shells for eyes. Yep, its kinda creepy, I know.

A big thanks to Justin's sister Amy for feeding us so well while we visited and for all the hospitality. I'm sure having two extra mouths and two extra showers every day wasn't ideal, but we had so much fun! We hope to have kids someday who show just as much love and respect for one another as your kids do! And a special shout out to Olivia who lets us steal her room for a couple of days. Love you guys!

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